All the outdoor location photos I took for the different issues of Fenton Hud all from around London and I have strong memories of taking them even though in some cases they’re a few years old! I could tell you even from what small part you see in a panel where I took the picture!

Up until this issue the indoor shots just made up but with this one I tied things more to places I’ve been here in London or references to my own personal life.

The opening panel with Fenton was taking on a back street in Soho. It doesn’t link to the following panel which is from some work that was getting done (it’s finished now but I still have no idea what it is) next to Vauxhall Bridge. Man, unlike the Soho pick that was nice and simple the Vauxhall Bridge shot required me pressing my camera up against some fencing and then zooming in. It was awkward and the weather was kinda nasty but I’m happy with the result.

Actually, that panel is two shots put together. Heston’s destroyed building is from Vauxhall Bridge but the pavement is from Cheapside and taken from the first floor balcony of One New Change.

The coffee shop that Tabitha is in was made up but also linked to my time when I worked as a barista (I loved that job and still do even though that was well over twenty years ago!)

The bar that Cuddles is at is a mash-up of the Kings Arms on Poland Street and Retro Bar on George Court (just off the Strand). The dimensions and spacing are made up but certainly both bars were used for inspiration.

As a side note (and not related to location) the final panel from Tabitha’s arc shows her mobile’s lock screen image which was a straight copy of a panel from page 21 of Issue #1 (the page that gave you Cuddles’ backstory). I liked the picture and I figured why not reuse it?! It’s always good to recycle!

More soon! Bear hugs!